Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 5

Day 5

I'm having doubts that the coffee thing is going anywhere. The fake coffee is fine when I'm home, but when I'm out I really want to have a cup... All in all, I've had about 4 cups of coffee today. Why am I not using decaf? Or tea even! I own enough of the stuff.

I had lunch at the Orange Circle with my sister. Not seeing as many options as I had hoped for, we split a veggie sandwich on a white hoagie roll (without cheese or oil... remember, all you gotta do is ask).  It's only been 5 days and I noticed that processed breads have a texture very close to that of a marshmallow.  I suppose that is a good thing since I'm not a fan of marshmallows. There is a small vegan / gluten free market we found that sells fresh baked cookies. Yes, I bought cookies and they appeared to be part of this challenge. I will be duplicating the recipe in the coming days.

If you haven't been to the Orange Circle, I recommend it. I had a nice sense of calm that I used to get when I lived in Savannah GA.  There are a ton of antique stores, so if you enjoy that sort of thing... bring money.

I started using the MapMyWalk app today... and I swear I already posted about this, maybe in another draft somewhere. This app uses your GPS to keep track of time, speed and distance. I walk about 2 miles at about 38 minutes, I'll beat my time tomorrow. There are apps that map your biking and running as well if you are interested. My energy level is good. It could be the food or it could be the coffee.

(UPDATE: I'm not crazy! I did post the MapMyWalk. It's on the Workout section)

There was no butter or oil used to grill my sandwich this evening. I'm almost sad to say I didn't miss it or really notice it for that matter. This happened with my raw fast too, the taste buds open up and you actually start to taste things for what they are and not what ever sauce they've been drowned in.
Leave me some comments, I would like to know what you guys are thinking or if you have any suggestions. I hope to have enough readers so I can post a poll for future menus.

Tofu Scramble w/ Hash Brown on a whole wheat tortilla

Half veggie sandwich from some place in the Orange Circle

Vegan, Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies (Success! Good cookies that are low in fat and calories... Now to duplicate)

Grilled Whole Grain sandwich with Hummus, cucumber, spinach, tomato, avocado.
Tabatchnick Lentil Soup

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