Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Where are we now?

It has been almost a year since I did the 28 day challenge and I am here to tell you that keeping up with it takes more willpower than I was willing to give. I ended up gaining 20 pounds in the course of the year and eating more and more crap foods.

Where did I fail?

Oils, dairy and processed vegan food products. After the challenge I remember running out to Del Taco and getting a bean and cheese burrito with sour cream. Cheese pizza after that. The rest is 20 pounds of history.

Why did I fail?

I failed because, like most of us, I am a creature of habit. I like fried eggs with my fried potatoes "smothered and covered" in vegetarian respects being cheese and salsa... not the cheese and gravy made popular by the Waffle House. I failed because as much as I enjoyed my plant based pizza, the craving for greasy, goopy cheese pizza won out. 

That being said. I will restart the 28 day challenge after Easter Sunday and post more about my experiences during the process.

Stay tuned.