Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 10

18 days to go and maybe I'll have a longer stretch without f'ing up the game plan.

What have I been saying since the beginning here? Ask. It never hurts to ask. I suppose there is that fear of "Never question the people that handle your food" that I have burned in my head... not from personal experience mind you, but just fear that someone will spit in my food because I asked too many questions or complained.

That being said... Perhaps I can consider today as my "Get out of jail free card"... they have those for health don't they? 

How do I feel after eating crap food? I feel like crap. I feel sluggish and cloudy. I like the feeling I get from good food more. Damn, I really was hoping I'd be able to celebrate the end of this with an extra cheese pizza, but it's looking like I'll be grazing instead.

Simple Cereal
Whole grain english muffin w/peanut butter

Avocado on Whole grain tortilla "Avocadilla"
Spring Mix with salsa

Shaved Ice

Tofu Pad Thai from Pick up stix


  1. Of course, saying to have that fear they will spit in your food or something, just do not eat out.

  2. Watching shows like Restaurant Impossible have taken care of how ofter I go out to eat.
